Whatsapp groups are what’s up these days. People are more connected via groups and other online spaces than they are in real life. In groups, even the shy people suddenly develop unimaginable boldness to address some issues. This has helped bound people together in different facets of life.
There’s a group for everything in life. There’s a group for scientists, for doctors, lawyers, engineers and lesbians.
Lesbians in Edo State will find this article very illuminating as it exposes them to the Whatsapp group they need to be able to connect with other lesbians in the state, make new lesbian partners and friends to foster good relationship among themselves.
I want to join the Lesbians whatsapp group for Benin Lesbians.
The main purpose of this article is to inform those that are interested that there is a lesbian whatsapp group for Edo Lesbians in general. The group is not for only those in Benin city.
Now, if you’re thinking of how you can join the group and you are wondering where the group link is then you’re in luck.
First of all you need to know some salient things about the group;
° Underage are not permitted in the Edo lesbian girls group. Under no circumstance should a person join the group if you are not on or above 18yrs.
° Every new member pays a membership fee of ₦5000. The fee is used to celebrate New members every 3 months.
° No adding of third party to the group without passing through the admin.
I need Edo lesbian girls whatsapp group link. How can I get lesbian group link for Les in Edo State?
The easiest way to get a lesbian girlfriend or lesbian relationship these days is online. And when you’re online make sure you select the right platforms to visit. Some may not have the kind of audience that you are looking for.
In Edo, the Benin Les whatsapp group or Edo lesbian girls group (as it’s fondly called) is the largest lesbo family in the state.
With a mouth watering number of 26,822 active members, the group continues to grow and serve as support for some of Les babes who feel like the society has betrayed them because of their sexuality.
Two ways are available to join the Edo lesbian girls group.
You can join by Direct Linkage right here on the website below or you can join through an admin.
Either way you just you will still be required to pay the membership fee of ₦5000. This fee is paid by all new members and the use has been explained above.
Let’s break the steps down for proper clarity.
Direct Linkage.
- Click on Join Group below to access the link. You’ll be taken to the payment page.
- Make payments on the payment page. Once payment goes through you will receive a success message and be immediately redirected to the Whatsapp group.
Join via admin.
- Scroll up and click on the Whatsapp icon to chat with an admin.
- Tell the admin that you want to join the Whatsapp group for Edo Lesbian girls. Make sure you are specific about the location.
- Make payments of the membership fee to the account provided.
- Make sure you are specific about your location. If you give a different location and you are added to a different group than the Edo lesbo ladies group then you have yourself to blame. You will need to make a fresh payment to be added to the group.
Whatsoever method you use to join the group, one ground rule stands out, ‘Do Not Add A Third Party To The Group Without Passing Through An Admin.’
Can I get phone numbers of some lesbians in Benin?
Yes you can get contact numbers of lesbian partners in Benin and other areas of Edo State online. It is very easy especially if you are a member of the Edo lesbian girls group. The group has been talked about above.
How this group can help you to get phone numbers of lesbians in Edo is very simple.
If you join the group following any of the outlined methods above, you become a member. And as a member you have the right to access the group info to view the group list.
On the list is the roomnick and numbers of every other members of the group. And remember that the group has more than 10,000 members and counting. That means you will have access to ten thousand Benin lesbians phone numbers right there before you to call whenever you want.
Where can I get lesbian sugar mummy? Can I get one from the homo girls whatsapp group?
No. The Benin Les group, even though it is created for adult lesbians, is different from the Lez Sugar Mummy Whatsapp Group.
Those considered sugar mummies are mature women of high standards. They set these standards in terms of financial prowess. Unless under express go-ahead from them, they are kept in discreet groups and only available for discreet connections. there is a separate group for Benin sugar mummies.

Can I join Benin lesbians whatsapp group from any location in Edo or it is for just those in Benin?
The group is created for the entire Edo lesbian family. The L family of the LGBTQ faculty.
Check out some locations in Edo you can connect from;
Etsako East, Akoko-Edo, Etsako Central, Etsako West, Owan West, Esan North-East, Esan Central, Esan South-East, Ovia South-West, Ovia North-East, Igueben, Egor, Uhunmwonde, Oredo, Ikpoba-Okha, Orhionmwon, Benin City, Igarra, Agenebode, Sakponba, Ehor, Auchi, Agbede, Emokweme, Eso, Ewohimi, etc.
If your location is not listed let us know via the comment section so it will be included. It will help other lesbians in that location connect easier with each others.
Lesbians in Edo State can now connect in a safe environment where everyone speaks the same love language. This became possible when the Whatsapp group for Homosexual girls was created. This Edo lesbian girls whatsapp group is home to thousands of lesbian ladies, which it provides succour to.